8 Simple & Effective Ways to Optimize Sleep

8 simple & effective ways to optimize sleep

Sleep is one of the most important aspect for fat loss, building muscle and overall health. Yet, the majority of us are seriously overlooking sleep.

The most common side effects are brain fog, low productivity, weight gain, hard time losing fat or building muscle and constantly tired.

Sleep is so crucial that even if your diet and training is spot on, but you sleep less than 6 hours per night, the results will be minimal.

Sleep is absolutely vital for making the most out of your efforts in the gym & kitchen and there is no substitute for it.

Let’s take a look at these eight simple & effective ways to optimize sleep.


1. Make it a priority

Like all the other important things in life that we know we should be doing, unless consciously prioritized and scheduled, will be pushed to the side or generally overlooked.

Getting distracted scrolling your social media feed or browsing the web can easily skip on a couple of hours that could’ve been put towards quality deep sleep.

A few hours of sleep lost here and there compound over time to bring about negative consequences such as decreased energy, less productivity, dark circles under the eyes and accelerated aging.


2. Understand the benefits (& consequences) of sleep 

Consistent, quality deep sleep is the number one ingredient for good health. Whether you are simply looking to be more productive with your work, reach a fitness goal or both, sleep is a key component for your success.

7-9 hours of sleep per day:

  • Reduces stress levels (cortisol)
  • Promotes fat loss and muscle growth
  • Repairs and restores cells in the body
  • Provides adequate energy to conquer your daily tasks without the need for 14 espressos
  • Reduces need for cravings and sugary foods
  • Maintains a healthy body, mind and spirit

The list of benefits goes on and on.

Sleeping 6 hours or less daily, over time will result in the opposite effects such as:

  • weight gain (fat deposits around stomach, thighs, lower back and chest)
  • increased cortisol
  • lack of energy
  • mood swings
  • increased need for cravings
  • overall bad health


3. Set up a routine

The primal way to get good sleep is to follow the circadian rhythm. Wake up with the sun and go to sleep shortly after it sets.

Creating a routine where you go to sleep and wake up around the same time is ideal for optimizing health and energy.

Our bodies love familiarity (homeostatis) and will adapt very well to a set schedule.


4. Make your bedroom clean and welcoming

Fresh bed sheets, clean room, closed blinds, cool room temperature and as dark as possible.

One of the main triggers for insomnia is high body temperature.

Making your room cool and lightless will create the perfect environment for a good night’s rest.


5. Take a salt bath an hour before bed 

Personally, I love taking a salt bath pre-bed especially during the cold Canadian winter months.

It helps me calm and relaxed, helping me fall asleep like a baby.

The combination is especially great for muscle recovery after an intense workout.

It’s a great way to end a long day and allow the adrenal glands to calm down and the mind to become free.


6. Take magnesium 

Similar to the bath but in supplement form, magnesium helps with over 300 different processes in the body.

Primarily, it helps your muscles relax, providing a nice and calm feeling, improving the quality of sleep.


7. Minimize stimulants 

If you’re a stimulant junkie and must have them, avoid taking them past 3:00 pm.

Allow a good 5-7 hours for the stimulant to clear your system for it’s bed time to avoid any possible disruption.

I know some people that can chug a coffee and pass out no problem, but for most of us, stimulants will definitely affect the quality and duration of sleep.

If you dare to eliminate stimulants (that includes coffee) and sleep well each night, you’ll see your natural come back in full effect.


8. Relax your mind 60-90 min prior to bed time

Avoiding distractions close to bed time is key for getting a good night’s rest.

Allow your mind to relax and settle down prior to going to bed to ease falling asleep.

Even the term “falling” refers to your mind shutting off.

Being in front of a TV, computer or phone right before bed will make it more difficult and take longer to fall into deep sleep.

Instead simply take a little time to yourself and relax (e.g. read a book, write in your journal, etc.).



Primal Breed is committed to providing you effective personal training in Toronto, helping you lose unwanted weight permanently and build lean muscle for life.

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