Low-Carb Breakfast: Breakfast of Champions

Benefits of low-carb breakfast - toronto personal training

As science moves forward and our understanding of the human body increases, it’s important to adjust our thought process and habits accordingly, especially when it comes to the first meal of the day, breakfast.


For decades we’ve been taught that breakfast is the time to fuel our body with plenty of carbohydrates to promote energy through-out the day.

Foods such as cereal, toast, sugary oatmeal, fruit juice and even Nutella is regarded as a fit choice for breakfast, yet year after year the majority of the population increasingly gains weight.

Now, there are many other factors that contribute to weight gain such as excess calories, lack of exercise, binge eating, poor sleep and other out dated nutritional habits but breakfast definitely plays a role.

Starting your day right sets you up on the right path for the rest of the day.

Key Benefits of a Low-carb Breakfast:

  • Mental clarity and improved focus
  • Stable surge of energy throughout the day
  • Aids in fat loss especially if you are in a caloric deficit
  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Decreased cravings

Benefits of a low-carb breakfast - toronto personal training

Choose a Low-carb Breakfast

The majority of the population consumes a relatively high carb/sugar breakfast which induces an insulin spike right from the start.

A quick surge of energy is produced which quickly fades off, leaving you feeling tired and low energy.

What do most people do? Coffee, coffee and more coffee.

By the time 3:00 pm comes around, most people are ready for a nap, thinking “maybe I need more coffee”.

Combine that with insufficient water intake and it’s a recipe for total dehydration.

Carbohydrates are great for replenishing glycogen stores but we do not necessarily need them first thing in the morning.

Upon waking, our body is in a fat-burning state.

Consuming carbohydrates induces an insulin spike which signals the body to switch fuel sources from fats to carbohydrates.

Eating a breakfast that consists of only protein and fats allows the body to remain in a fat-burning state, keeping blood sugar levels stable which results in a relatively even energy curve.

Since carbohydrates are utilized as a fuel source by replenishing glycogen levels, they are best consumed around a strenuous activity such as a weight training session or a demanding sport, especially right after.

If you are a naturally lean person, 10% body-fat or under (18% and under for women), then you can most definitely have carbs for breakfast, especially if you are trying to gain muscle, since you most probably have a great insulin response already.

For men that are 12% body-fat and higher (23%+ for women) I highly recommend a low-carb breakfast as part of your healthy diet plan.

This will keep your body in a fat-burning state longer as well as improve your insulin sensitivity.


Insulin and Body Composition

Insulin and body composition are tied into one another.

Generally the leaner you are, the better your body will tolerate carbohydrate intake.

Furthermore, both fat and muscle cells compete for the uptake of the carbohydrates that you consume.

If your body composition is sub-optimal, meaning you have significantly more fat than muscle on your body, the majority of the carbohydrates you consume will be shuttled into the fat cells, resulting in more fat gain.

Skipping carbs for breakfast gives your body a chance to start using fats as the primary fuel source.

Coupled with an effective fat loss diet plan will result in improved body composition, weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity.

My three favorite low-carb breakfasts:

  1. 3 Eggs + 4 Egg whites, assorted veggies, half-avocado and a handful of brazil nuts
  2. 6-8oz Lean Steak, 2 Eggs scrambled w/ assorted veggies
  3. 6-8oz Grass Fed Lean ground beef + 3 Egg omelette

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