Kristine D.

Personal Trainer Toronto Results

“After working with a couple trainers and not quite seeing the results I was after, I knew I needed someone who truly understands the fitness game. I started researching personal trainer toronto and came across Primal Breed Fit.

Hiring Rob to change my body in just twelve weeks has been one of the best experiences I have ever been through. As someone who was already working out a lot but not seeing the results l wanted. I knew I needed someone with a solid understanding of how to create body composition changes in a sustainable way.

Rob’s knowledge and expertise with fitness. health and nutrition is so on point; he has a genuine passion for his craft. I highly recommend Rob to anyone who wants to make serious changes in their lifestyle and achieve what they never thought they could.”

Hugo F.

Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials

“Before I started training with Rob I had absolutely no clue what I was doing and I wasn’t really seeing a lot of progress – there was progress, but it was small and took a lot of time. I started looking for a personal trainer near me and I came across Primal Breed Fit and really liked their message and philosophy. After I started training with Robert and I actually started learning about nutrition and fitness, everything started to make sense – and this time I was able to see all of the progress from the hard work I had put in. I’ve gone from a size 34 to size 28 jeans. lost 50 pounds and have dropped from a large shirt size to a small.
Not only has Rob taught me a lot about fitness, but he’s also made me very aware of food nutrition and what I eat/put into my body. Between working out and eating right, I have way more energy and have built myself much better lifestyle habits.

Although I’ve had a big transformation physically, what you can’t see is how this transformation has made me feel. I’m a lot more confident in life, I feel great about myself and my body and I owe that all to Rob’s training and expertise.”


Personal Trainer Toronto Results

“I’ve lost 103 lbs in 8 months and feel like a new man!!! My outlook on life and the future has improved and I love the way I feel and look! I went to a wedding in the summer and bought a new suit – something I would have dreaded six months ago but really enjoyed it now!  I’ve gone from a pants size 44 to a size 36, and from a TRIPLE XL shirt to a L.”