Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials

Manny M.

“ In January 2022, I was at my heaviest (314lbs) – my knees and back were in constant pain – making me feel much older than 58 years old. I needed to find the best personal trainer near me that would help me lose weight and get my body back into shape. I had tried several trainers in the past and although I would manage to lose 30-40lbs I would plateau, still in a ton of pain and would rebound right back up.

I found Primal Breed Fit online and started working out with Robert in January and began seeing changes immediately.  He worked around my limitations – I was never in pain while exercising – and as I lost the excess weight my pain declined to where now it’s a thing of the past! He always listens and pushes me to be my best. I now enjoy working out and look forward to our sessions.

I’ve lost 103 lbs in 8 months and feel like a new man!!! My outlook on life and the future has improved and I love the way I feel and look! I went to a wedding in the summer and bought a new suit – something I would have dreaded six months ago but really enjoyed it now!  I’ve gone from a pants size 44 to a size 36, and from a TRIPLE XL shirt to a L.

Robert delivered on everything we discussed and I’m so thankful that I found him.  I will never go back to my old bad habits and am excited to continue my new life!”

Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit
Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit

William G.

“I started training with Robert because my partner was doing it and I thought I should give it a try.

Before I started training with him, I exercised regularly, ate reasonably well and was happy with my appearance. But I never felt truly comfortable working out and never saw any significant changes in my body.

My training with Robert gave me invaluable knowledge about how to work out effectively. But perhaps the most important thing he did was help me make fundamental changes to how I approach nutrition and how I feel about exercise.

He did this not by just telling me what to eat and how to work out, but by listening to me and supporting me in making these adjustments to my life such that I became deeply motivated to change for reasons that made sense to me.

I never thought of myself as someone who needed to lose weight, but I lost almost 30lbs.

What I most appreciate about Robert is not that he helped me lose 30lbs, but that he gave me the tools to make positive changes in how I feed and use my body that I never thought were possible.”

Estanislau Fadigas De Souza

“His technique is flawless, and his understanding of body mechanics is surreal. I could go down the rabbit hole here, but suffice it to say, you will learn a lot from him, and it will blow your mind. He watches every repetition you perform to ensure you shrink every possible fat cell, while increasing strength from every muscle fibre. The process is called “Body Recomposition”, and this is his wheel house.

-He isn’t a one trick pony. He is a hybrid of a:

Personal Trainer
Habit & Mindset Coach

That’s not a big deal really, however what is, is knowing when, where, and how to apply those modalities to see tangible results.

Even after finding out I had a re occurring hernia, he completely re adjusted my exercise routine with no loss of momentum to my fat loss or strength gains, and no pain.

-He does not overpromise or under deliver. He sets what seems are isurmountable goals, until you do the work, and get onto the scale. And even after losing almost 40 pounds, since having begun working with Robert, I know there is so much more to accomplish- 4 months ago I would never have thought that way.

I am a 49 year old male. On January 31, 2023 I weighed 229 pounds, and as of May 27th, 2023, I weighed 187 pounds. My strength has increased 7- 8 times over, and I have not been under 200 pounds since I was 16 years old. JEDI. Fast forward another few months and I have hit 6-pack abs SHREDDED level at 157lb!!! Over 70lbs of fat while building muscle.

I will say this as well. You can’t pull one over on him, or better yet, you won’t want to. Whatever your fitness or health goals may be, Robert Savin will get you there, trust me. “Just follow the plan”!”

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Best personal trainer toronto trasformations
Best personal trainer toronto trasformations
Personal Trainer Toronto
Personal Trainer Toronto

Jonathan M.

“After lockdown I was in the worst shape of my life.

After only 12 weeks with Robert I am now in the best shape I’ve ever been! Robert listened to my goals and made sure my workout and diet plan were individual to me – not just cut and pasted like so many others do.

Robert has been an amazing trainer and has encouraged me throughout the process. I really appreciate how he pushes me to be the best I can be, and helps me build on my personal bests each week.

Although I’ve been working out for a number of years, Robert has taught me so much about technique, mindset and nutrition. He is the best PT I’ve ever trained with.

I am delighted with my results and although I only intended to do 12 weeks, I am going to continue training with him. This has been the best investment in myself – thank you Robert.”

Christian L.

“I used Primal Breed Fit to help me lose weight and add muscle.

Over 3 months I lost 30lbs and am now in the best shape of my life.

Rob’s training techniques are far from cookie cutter, his knowledge of nutrition and biomechanics are second to none. I have used a few other trainers in the last few years and none come close to the level of Primal Breed Fit.

I highly suggest working with them if your goals are to lose body fat and increase lean tissue while getting guidance from a true professional.”

Personal Trainer Toronto
Personal Trainer Toronto
personal trainer toronto
personal trainer toronto

Scott W.

“I’ve worked with a few personal trainers in the past but none helped me deliver the results that Robert did – down 35lbs, along with a significant decrease in body fat while increasing my lean muscle mass.

Along the way he challenged all of my assumptions on how to actually achieve the results I was looking for and had me realize lots of physical “personal bests” I never thought possible at age 57.

Get ready because Robert is very goal focused and invested in your success. He will work you as hard outside the gym- with a take no prisoners diet plan – as in it. Weekly weigh-ins and a regular photo diary of your progress keep you on track. “Dialing it in” isn’t part of his program.

I would highly recommend Robert @ Primal Breed Fit if you’re looking for a legit personal trainer toronto & are ready willing and able to commit to a challenging but transformational fitness journey.”

Hugo F.

“Before I started training with Rob I had absolutely no clue what I was doing and I wasn’t really seeing a lot of progress – there was progress, but it was small and took a lot of time.

I started looking for a personal trainer in Toronto and I came across Primal Breed Fit and really liked their message and philosophy.

After I started training with Robert and I actually started learning about nutrition and fitness, everything started to make sense – and this time I was able to see all of the progress from the hard work I had put in.

I’ve gone from a size 34 to size 28 jeans. lost 50 pounds and have dropped from a large shirt size to a small.
Not only has Rob taught me a lot about fitness, but he’s also made me very aware of food nutrition and what I eat/put into my body.

Between working out and eating right, I have way more energy and have built myself much better lifestyle habits.

Although I’ve had a big transformation physically, what you can’t see is how this transformation has made me feel. I’m a lot more confident in life, I feel great about myself and my body and I owe that all to Rob’s training and expertise.”

Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials
Personal Trainer Toronto
Personal Trainer Toronto

Andrew D.

“I can’t rate Rob highly enough with his holistic approach to training, diet, health, and mindset. His training is varied, challenging and very rewarding.

In a shade over 3 months, he’s helped me lose 23lb+ of weight, gain definition, control my diet, improve my blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and generally make me feel a whole lot healthier.

During training, Rob watches carefully to make sure that your form is correct, being aware of any limitations or injuries you might have.

Starting at a new health regime at 54, being overweight, having underlying health conditions and never being particularly fit, has been tough. I will admit though, with Rob’s training, experience, knowledge and true professionalism it hasn’t been that hard and the results have been quick and impressive.

Highly recommended. 

Zack R.

“Training with Robert has been the best investment of my life. If you can convince him to take you on – do it.

At 34 years old, I had been trying for years (with different trainers) to lose weight and gain muscle.

Sometimes I’d make a little progress, but never that significant. Right away, I could tell Robert would be different: his attention to detail and form during workouts wasn’t like anything I’d experienced with other trainers. And the nutrition plan he gave me was very specific, but also flexible and easy to follow.

After only a few months, I’d lost 30 pounds of fat (going from 175lbs to 145lbs) and gained significant muscle… I’d say he’s a miracle worker, but he spends a lot of time teaching you how and why his methods work. So it’s less miracle, and more an expert course in training and nutrition – with knowledge you can use for the rest of your life.

He’s converted me into a lifelong healthy eater who trusts the process and understands his own body. Go to Robert if you want to change how you look, but also how you feel about your body.”

personal trainer toronto testimonials
personal trainer toronto testimonials
personal trainer toronto testimonials
Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials
Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials

Arthur C.

“Been attempting to attain my physical goals for many years and I was on my 9th attempt losing weight to shed the fat around my mid area.

Did a lot of research for local trainers and google always pointed to Primal Breed Fit as being top 3 if not, was always listed as #1 personal trainer toronto.

Since working with Robert, I’m down 36 lbs in 3 months to be exact, while drastically increasing my overall body strength all across the board. His whole approach is incorporating mental and physical health together. However, it boils down to how badly you want it. He will give you all the tools, a very simple meal plan, and just stick to it.

He is also a funny guy, and makes it fun but when it’s go time he is relentless. Beware of the lawn mower!!!! ”

Conner Z.

“After years of half executed diet and workout plans I decided to enlist Robert @ Primal Breed Fit personal trainer toronto, based on the positive feedback he’s received from previous clients.

I can say this is the best decision I’ve made, as I’m in the best shape I’ve been in, in 9 years. From day one we set out a goal of getting leaner, while putting on muscle and he immediately got to work curating a meticulous diet and workout regiment.

Like so many others have mentioned, it wasn’t a simple cut and paste, but fully unique to my body type and training experience.

I can honestly say this is the best training/advice I’ve ever received. By no means has it been easy, but with his guidance, we were able to continually add weight each week. This is has been the best investment in myself and I urge others to reach out and see what Robert can do for you.

Again, the results speak for themselves – thanks Robert, I’ll definitely be back!”

Personal Trainer Toronto
Personal Trainer Toronto
personal trainer toronto testimonial
personal trainer toronto testimonial
personal trainer toronto testimonial

Miles S.

“Miles managed to lose over 25+ lbs, greatly improving his body composition and increasing his strength exponentially!”

Wayne K.

” As a busy health care professional, its great that Rob can provide the expertise and oversight to assist me achieve my fitness goals, saving me time and avoiding injury along the way.

He would be an asset to anyone looking to kickstart or improve upon their current exercise regimen.

I’ve achieved a successful body re-composition, losing over 8lbs of fat, while building muscle & drastically increasing my strength all across the board – over 400lb deadlift, 300lb squat and 200lb bench press all in my 50s!”

personal trainer toronto testimonials
personal trainer toronto testimonials
personal trainer toronto testimonial
personal trainer toronto testimonial
personal trainer toronto testimonial

Jordan R.

“Your help has been invaluable and there’s no way I could’ve done this without you. Thank you!”

Jordan has lost over 26lbs in 10 weeks, while building muscle and increasing strength significantly!

Umutcan A.

“Primal Breed Fit is the way to go. Robert is an amazing instructor and trainer. We trained less than a year but results are outstanding. From nutrition to area specific exercises (I had knee injury), he is very knowledgeable at what he is doing.

Great communication throughout the sessions, makes it always enjoyable. His communication skills also helped me to pass mental barriers with heavier weights and other things as well. I would strongly recommend this place for everyone but especially for the people like myself who lacks self motivation and needs a push.”

Personal trainer toronto testimonial
Personal trainer toronto testimonial
Personal trainer toronto client results

Kristine D.

“After working with a couple trainers and not quite seeing the results I was after, I knew I needed someone who truly understands the fitness game. I started researching personal trainer toronto and came across Primal Breed Fit.

Hiring Rob to change my body in just twelve weeks has been one of the best experiences I have ever been through. As someone who was already working out a lot but not seeing the results l wanted. I knew I needed someone with a solid understanding of how to create body composition changes in a sustainable way.

Rob’s knowledge and expertise with fitness. health and nutrition is so on point; he has a genuine passion for his craft. I highly recommend Rob to anyone who wants to make serious changes in their lifestyle and achieve what they never thought they could.”

Alexey G.

“I’ve been training with Robert on and off for several years now.

When I first started out. he was a great help with helping me set the foundation for exercising and committing to the fitness lifestyle- While other trainers have helped me in the past, they’ve always focused on just the gym aspect of personal training, never the mental battle of waking up and dragging myself to a hard kick ass workout that I would much rather avoid and watch Netflix for instead.

The combination of the instruction on exercise movement patterns, motivation, and challenge in the gym, as well as the long-term sustained “mind over matter” development was precisely the key that I needed in order to no longer think about the gym as a “chore”, but rather to integrate it into my lifestyle as a core component of my daily routine.

If you want to find a trainer who will just count your repetitions and high five you for every half-hearted effort of exertion, look elsewhere. But if you want to sustainably transform your body, I highly recommend Primal Breed Fit’s personal training services. You just have to take the first step.

Having worked in different gyms myself, I can confidently state that Robert is the best personal trainer in Toronto to help you achieve your fitness goals. “

Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials
Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials

Monica K.

“Robert is a dedicated and knowledgeable coach.  Having trained with him for a few years now, I’ve seen my body change thanks to the workout and nutrition plans he has designed for me.

Thanks to Robert I have learned proper weight lifting techniques, the importance of nutrition in any fitness/health plan and how to continually push myself to reach my fitness goals.

As a busy mom, scheduling flexibility is also important to me and Robert is always accommodating. If you are looking to transform your body, or to just get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle –

I highly recommend working with Robert to achieve your fitness goals.”

Lauryn P.

“Never did I think that my body can change so drastically. I never thought I was able to build muscle, grow my butt and become strong and confident.

Robert has been coaching me from the very beginning.

He made it so easy and comfortable to start, as at first it was terrifying stepping foot into a gym. Not only did he show me the proper form and training technique but he also educated me on training and nutrition methodologies so that I can sustain and build upon my foundation.

Thanks to him passing down his knowledge onto me, I am now in the position to help and educate others! Working with Robert has been an honor and I couldn’t have asked for a better coach!

He is very understanding and makes it comfortable to work with him. Thank you Robert  for helping me reach a part of myself that I didn’t think was possible!”

best personal trainer in toronto | Primal Breed Fit
Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit

Jackie S.

“Working with Rob was simultaneously easy and challenging. Rob was very flexible with his schedule, and arranging a time to train with him was very easy. In this industry, that can sometimes be difficult.

Rob also knew exactly how to push a client like me to their limits without over-working me to the point of passing out (I have low blood pressure, so this can sometimes be a problem).

Having talked with Rob extensively, about fitness it is also clear he has done his research, and would, therefore, be able to advise any of his clients, regardless of their background, genetics etc. on how to attain their goals.

I would recommend him to anyone.”

Dana S.

“I love spending time outdoors and the idea of one day running a half-marathon was very appealing. But being 48, ex-smoker and about 40 pounds overweight and not in a great physical shape, I thought it will take at least a year to do that.

I started looking for a personal trainer near me and I came across Primal Breed Fit – and I’m so happy I did. Working with Robert has been an awesome experience and completely changed my outlook on health and fitness.

With Robert’s help and guidance, I lost 24 pounds in 12 weeks and ran my first half-marathon. I couldn’t be happier. I highly recommend Primal Breed Fit’s personal training services.”

Personal Trainer Toronto | Primal Breed Fit
Personal Trainer Toronto Testimonials

Sepher J.

“I started working out online with Robert a few months ago. Before knowing him. I had experiences with different online programs when there was no support from the trainer. however. It was not the case with Robert.

I was not on my own and he was always there for me.

Robert makes it so easy to understand what to expect from each of the exercises and how to do it right. He is very comprehensible when answering to the questions about the workouts and meal plan. AWESOME SUPPORT.

Most of the time I was at the gym sending my questions and I received his responses before I leave the gym.

His enthusiasm in responses to my weekly reports has been a great motivation for me to push myself harder and be consistent with the meal plan which was a lifestyle change.

It was an amazing feeling to see my body’s changes by comparing the pictures over the weeks. I am thrilled with the results.

The most wonderful part of working out with him is that unlike most of the trainers out there he is not suggesting buying lots of supplements and wants the nutrition‘s from whole food.

It has been truly a pleasure to work with Robert.”

Patrick F.

“Busy father of three managed to drop 18+ lbs of bodyfat, while building lean tissue and significantly increasing his strength and overall fitness level!”

Personal Trainer Toronto Results
Personal Trainer Toronto Results
Personal Trainer Toronto Results
Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit
Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit
Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit

Anthony T.

“From our first meeting, Robert quickly understood what my goals were and created a clear roadmap to getting there.

His plans are realistic and personalized (taking into account my hectic work schedule).

He is knowledgeable, a great motivator (and not in some overbearing way), and an overall a chill guy to be around. I have worked with many trainers previously, but he surpasses all of those experiences.

Can’t recommend him enough!”


“Before I decided to start working with a trainer I enjoyed being active and running a few times a week but I felt intimidated about stepping out onto the gym floor to try to work with weights.

Robert listened to what I wanted to gain from working with a trainer,  helped me set realistic goals and personalized my workouts in order to reach them. He pushed me during workouts but never beyond what I could handle and I left every workout feeling like I had accomplished something.

He emphasized proper technique and explained the benefits of each exercise so that I feel confident working out at the gym and I no longer feel nervous approaching the weights.

I could never have improved my overall strength and fitness so much in a short space of time on my own. If you are thinking of working with a professional. I highly recommend Robert. “

Best Personal Trainer in Toronto | Primal Breed Fit

Robert S. (My Story)

“I started out as a tall lanky skinny kid with no strength to even do a proper push-up (6’2, 12 inch arms). Frustrated with the lack of strength and muscle on my frame, I became motivated to make a change hoping to one day achieve my dream physique. This led me to trying and experimenting with countless different diet and training protocols along the way.

Eager to make a change, I was exposed to the common muscle building advice (the traditional “bulking” methods) and I ended up over 45 lb overweight.

By learning from the best coaches in the industry, gaining the most up-to-date scientific knowledge and applying it on myself, I have learned the ‘in’s and out’s’ & deeper truths about how the body functions and why some methods are effective and some aren’t. 

Along the way I developed a passion for fitness and master the skillset to make incredible changes to the human body in a short period of time, on anybody regardless of your starting points, genetics or age.

Having gone through countless different workout & diet phases myself (skinny-fat-fit) has helped me immensely to understand the body transformation process, solidifying my ability to help and relate to my clients as well.

To this date, I have been involved in fitness for 15 years and have been a personal trainer & fitness coach for almost a decade now. I have helped hundreds of clients successfully reach their fitness goals in an efficient and sustainable manner.”

Primal Breed Fit | Personal Training in Toronto